JoWomenomics supports women by developing the critical social, political, and economic infrastructures necessary for promote women’s agency.
Our vision is to cultivate an ecofeminist economy in Jordan, nurturing a balance between environmental stewardship and agency-building to promote women's voices and choices in shaping their future.
Our mission is to provide women with social and vocational support needed to integrate them into local economic development (LED) structures, promoting mindset change to better include women into economic development procedures. In addition, JoWomenomics co-creates research-based knowledge in the communities it works in to impact polices enabling safe work environments while partnering with the private sector to ensure equal opportunities for all.
Our four-pronged approach encompasses: research and advocacy for policy and legal reform; awareness raising targeting gender-insensitive mindsets; knowledge and skill-building, with a specific focus on marginalized and vulnerable communities of women; and enabling safe and equitable work environments.
Though glass ceilings prevent women from ascending professional and societal ranks, we must also have the ability to make lateral shifts: the option, freedom, and choice to move across societal landscapes without the presence of antiquated blockades. For this reason, Jowomenomics is working to shatter glass doors, to provide women the inalienable right to access and traverse the vast landscape of opportunities.
*The concept of glass doors was developed following a study conducted at the Brookings Institution by Echidna Global Scholar Mayyada Abu Jaber in 2014.
#4 Baalbeck Street "Shabab Al-Ordun" Office 112 (3rd floor) Abdoun Shamali, Amman, JORDAN