Known as the “City of Mosaics” Madaba is a respite for religious art and history. However, due to the centralized nature of the kingdom, many residents maintain difficulty with scarce employment opportunities and insufficient vocational skill-sets. Because of this, JoWomenomics decided to implement a work ethics and employability training program for women’s empowerment. To initiate the training program Jowomenomics organized social dialogue and awareness sessions with community stakeholders and leaders. Beginning in March 2019 Jowomenomics outreached 262 community members to discuss issues facing women’s employment and economic inclusion.
In the presence of representatives from the Jordanian Women's Commission, members of the Ministry of Labor (MoL), Ministry of Culture (MoC), and Jowomenomics we were able to identify the most pressing issues facing women’s economic inclusion. As a result, community members identified issues with transportation, family issues, and financial constrictions as the main mitigators to female employment. The local committee provided support to alleviate these mitigating factors to assist women in developing an environment of empowerment. To assist the project with selecting the most at-risk and vulnerable women in need of vocational training, Jowomenomics established a local committee to outreach suitable female participants to partake in the work ethics and employability training program. After performing needs assessments and solidifying work agreements with the El-Safi Garments Factory in Madaba; identifying the most relevant work skills for the women of Madaba, and ensuring employment after successful completion of the program.
After identifying the necessary work skills Jowomenomics commenced its work ethic and skills training program for 31 female participants.
All 31 women participants completed each stage of the training program in 33 days and were successfully placed in various positions within the Al-Safi Garments Factory and are currently maintaining their jobs with occasional check-ins from Jowomenomics staff and the locally established committee.
#4 Baalbeck Street "Shabab Al-Ordun" Office 112 (3rd floor) Abdoun Shamali, Amman, JORDAN